### Checks - [X] Not a duplicate. - [X] Not a question, feature request, or anything other than a bug report directly related to Splide. Use Discussions for these topics:...
### Please search before asking - [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/yetone/openai-translator/issues) and found nothing similar. ### Please read README - [X] I have read the troubleshooting section in the...
**例行检查** [//]: # (方框内删除已有的空格,填 x 号) + [x] 我已确认目前没有类似 issue + [x] 我已确认我已升级到最新版本 + [x] 我已完整查看过项目 README,尤其是常见问题部分 + [x] 我理解并愿意跟进此 issue,协助测试和提供反馈 + [x] 我理解并认可上述内容,并理解项目维护者精力有限,**不遵循规则的 issue 可能会被无视或直接关闭** **问题描述** 使用 Mysql 数据库启动服务后,无法正常插入模型使用日志,观察发现表...