1. open your Unity project and find AgoraRtcWrapperUnity.bundle in Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Plugins/macOS. 2. run sh fix_bundle.sh xxx/path/AgoraRtcWrapperUnity.bundle/Contents/Frameworks 3. then export MYUNITY.app again. It will work find fix_bundle.sh ```sh #!/bin/bash frameworks_path=$1 echo $frameworks_path...
I am sorry. You should use this fix_bundle.sh in your MYUNITY.app. but not in your unity project. you can find AgoraRtcWrapperUnity.bundle in MYUNITY.app/Contents/PlugIns/AgoraRtcWrapperUnity.bundle
Reduce the resolution and frame rate of the video, which will reduce power consumption
public override int SetDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone(bool defaultToSpeaker) maybe you can call RtcEngine.SetDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone(false/true) to solve this issue
ERR_INVALID_TOKEN = 110, WARN_ADM_INCONSISTENT_AUDIO_DEVICE = 1042, may be you should check your token is available. You can learn how to generate a token in this doc https://docs.agora.io/en/video-calling/develop/integrate-token-generation?platform=unity
you can download rtm in this page https://docs.agora.io/cn/Real-time-Messaging/downloads?platform=All%20Platforms
if you have a apple computer. you can find AgoraRtcWrapper.framework file in this path: /Assets/Agora-RTC-Plugin/Agora-Unity-RTC-SDK/Plugins/iOS/AgoraRtcKit.framework. And you can find file AgoraRtcWrapper in this folder 0. open terminal 1. input int...
@tusharRule14 Can you show what show in output?
It seems that your file is damaged. Can you use the same method to check if the files in your Unity Editor are working properly? They are generally stored in...