after orchestrator switch,mysql master ‘s service connect should hava a change,but old master not dead and old long connect to old master not broken。 this problem hava cause problems。 that...
hello When I wanted to add an env for mysql cluster container mysql, I found that mysqlcluster_controller pod syncer does not support append custom env,[code](https://github.com/bitpoke/mysql-operator/blob/335292d05cb95cab0da11b7eba5f2285e22cc3eb/pkg/controller/mysqlcluster/internal/syncer/statefullset.go#L180-L339) 。This resulted in me having...
Notice! - If a Redis module was involved, please open an issue in the module's repo instead! - If you're using docker on Apple M1, please make sure the image...
### 问题描述(Issue Description) 在scan同步的方式中,scan 获取的key和psubscribe event获取的key是推送到的一个长度为100000的队列,如果写入端消费的阻塞慢,是否会导致psubscribe event阻塞太久推送到队列而导致连接断开,进而丢失部分event,如果这些event包含了一次性新增数据,那抹可能会丢失数据,请帮忙解答下,ths Please provide a brief description of the issue you encountered. ### 环境信息(Environment) - RedisShake 版本(RedisShake Version):v4.0.5 - Redis 源端版本(Redis Source Version):7.0 - Redis...
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