Yan Song
Yan Song
Hi, it looks like the PrROI compile problem, have you tried to compile PrROI separately? or check your cuda version?
Hi, I have the exactly same error, how do you solve it? thanks
Hi, Thanks for your interest! Unfortunately, I have graduated from the University, and that is the only version of the dataset now, I can not help anymore! BR,Yan Song 从...
Hi, if you need the dataset, please visit here : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3735905 and https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5172126 And it supports anthropometry. For the measurements, please read this paper : _**Three-dimensional human shape inference from...
thanks @junmuzi
Hi, Thanks, I will do it soon. I am working on some other projects recently. When I have time, I will add them.
Hi, Thanks for reading our paper. Basically the pipeline is 1) scan 2) registration and 3) nonlinear SVR. NOMO400 data is here : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3735905 And NOMO-4K registered meshes are here...
Thanks for your interest! 1), we also tried to train the DeT on the all RGB datasets with pseudo depth maps, but at the moment we submitted the paper, we...
Hi, I checked the code, in the code, I finally put all three datasets, COCO, LaSOT and DepthTrack train set together for training. And I also checked the BMVC paper,...
Hi, thanks for your interest! Higher results are possible. The reason may be that DepthTrack training set still shares some similar scenarios and objects with the test sequences. You can...