请问这个项目还在维护和更新吗? 看起来是个很不错的项目,但是好像最近更新不如之前。 是否会支持`PostMan` 2.x 版本的项目; 我是初次使用,在内网服务器的`Docker`运行; 从`postman`选择1.0的`Collection`导出, 然后在这里导入的时候报错了: ```bash hitchhiker | [2019-05-24 03:36:31.203] [ERROR] console - Error: ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD: Incorrect string value: '\xE8\x80\x83\xE7\xBA\xA7...' for column 'name' at row 1 hitchhiker |...
```php #... dump(php_uname('a')); dump(phpversion('ssh2')); dump(phpversion('xdebug')); dump(php_uname('a')); dump(phpversion()); dump(phpversion('ssh2')); dump(phpversion('xdebug')); $ssh_conn = ssh2_connect($my_hostname, 22222, ['hostkey' => 'ssh-rsa']); dump($ssh_conn); $auth_result = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($ssh_conn, $my_username, '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '~/.ssh/id_rsa'); dump($auth_result); ``` ------ ```bash "Darwin myhostname.local 21.2.0...
as the title says > ps: I'm sorry my editor formatted some unnecessary lines
files.block is not working as expected ## Describe the bug The document (both 2x and next) says: ``` Content appended if line not found in the file If content is...