
Results 5 comments of xiaoxiangyeyuwangye

My platform is window 10 64bit,I downlloaded the RR binary files from here http://docs.unrealcv.org/en/master/reference/model_zoo.html#rr

OK!Thanks for your reply. This is really a useful project and a creative idea. I'm looking forward it getting more exciting. I will keep attention on your guys' wonderful work,...

Is the second problem caused by the first one? I can't read all the categories in the frame correctly.

Yeah, it works correctly. Could you please tell me where should I get start if I want to make something like unrealcv,or add some other functions upon unrealcv. I feel...

Yeah, I have fixed it. This is because the caffe lib was edited by the authors of faster rcnn. The SoftmaxWithLoss Layer they used is not the same with the...