ZHAO Jin-Xiang

Results 78 comments of ZHAO Jin-Xiang


macOS 12.2.1 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7

Will per-file settings available in ts 4.9? Or maybe move it to 5.0?

Why not just use tsc or vue-tsc with `@ts-expect-error` to type check

@segevfiner Can you provide me a minimal reproduce demo to show the difference?

@ai Is there any tutorial for providing Can I Use data? Should we provide data by creating a PR to https://github.com/Fyrd/caniuse repo?

Do all the built-in type libraries, including `lib.es5.d.ts` `lib.webworker.d.ts`, etc. need to be added in `@types/web` or some lib like `@types/ecmascript`?

@posva Should we change source code to typescript align to vue 2.7?

Ok, can I take this? I'm willing to create a PR about vue 2.7.