ZHAO Jin-Xiang

Results 94 comments of ZHAO Jin-Xiang

BTW: some issue related to vue template + ts: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/1359 https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/1356 https://github.com/znck/vue-developer-experience/pull/16

@yyx990803 Any idea about this?

```js function importConfig(configSrc){ return (process.versions.node greaterOrEqual '13.2.0') ? import(configSrc).then(x=>x.default) : Promise.resolve(require(configSrc)); } ```

@davidtheclark import is import keyword rather than a function,so we can't use `typeof import !== 'undefined'`. import cjs will export module `{default: cjsModule}` , corresponding ` module.exports = cjsModule` in...

@wmonk In order to maintain the same behavior as the [create-react-app](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md#adding-a-css-modules-stylesheet),we need use 'App.module.css' rather than using 'App.css' to enable css-module

貌似 ant-design-vue-pro 是 js 版本的,我可以出一个 ts + composition api 的版本(从公司的代码里抽出一部分,当然功能肯定没有 ant-design-vue-pro 那么丰富了,代码量也会少一些,但是类型检查会完善很多)。你们有什么指导意见咩? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8111351/100306969-9a6d5100-2fdf-11eb-8448-fae5f6ba4c38.png)

@yaili Can we reopen this issue?

Maybe we should add this rule in vue2 and vue3 presets.

```ts /** * A callback that occurs after the control receives focus. */ export type OnEnter = /** * * @param success - true if successful */ & ((success: boolean)...