Xiaowei Wang
Xiaowei Wang
Hi @efschu Just got back from vacation, sorry for the late reply. From the output of configure, you have nvdec decoders but no nvenc encoders. The scale_npp filter requires libnpp....
> 这个问题是cvcuda的问题,不是bmf的问题 no kernel image is available表示当前CV-CUDA的binary不支持运行时使用的GPU。P40(sm_61)是Pascal架构,你需要检查下安装的CV-CUDA的二进制中是否包含sm_61的arch,如果没有需要手动添加sm_61后重新编译CV-CUDA
We have a [frame extraction demo](https://github.com/BabitMF/bmf/tree/master/bmf/demo/video_frame_extraction) which uses GPU (nvJPEG) to encode jpeg, have you tried that?