Results 4 issues of Zhang Tong

In class BahdanauAttnDecoderRNN, Should "word_embedded = self.embedding(word_input).view(1, 1, -1) # S=1 x B x N" be " word_embedded = self.embedding(word_input).view(1, word_input.size(0), -1) # S=1 x B x N"? Because in...

Hi, as the example in the ./data/ConvAI2 folder, there are two example data files: nli_positive.tsv, nli_negative.tsv. Where can I get these files? I download the MNLI dataset but didn't get...

### Author Pages ### Type of Author Metadata Correction - [X] The author page wrongly conflates different people with the same name. - [ ] This author has multiple...
