
Results 4 issues of hoream

选择文件时会变得十分卡顿难以操作。 - 发行版:ubuntu21.10 - 桌面环境:Gnome40 - 默认文件浏览器:nautilus

**Describe the bug** Clicking on the workspace you want to switch to when the expo plugin animation has just ended will fall back to the current workspace. **Expected behavior** Able...


不开脚本: ![2024-03-22_14:15:56](https://github.com/langren1353/GM_script/assets/69972645/99fc271c-a2d2-49e7-bcc6-de5dee027433) 开启脚本: ![2024-03-22_14:12:12](https://github.com/langren1353/GM_script/assets/69972645/0930ef4b-c907-487e-ab83-4ab504345ec5)

- Screen: 2560x1440 - WM: Wayfire - Scaling: 1.25 - wf-recorder: built from latest commit 22f18cd The pixels in videos generated by region screen recording may become distorted. Example: `wf-recorder...