Deshi Xiao

Results 197 comments of Deshi Xiao

今日上传七牛,超时。考虑增加重试机制 +1 ``` --driver qiniu --region cn-south-1 --bucket k8e --exclude .cache,test dist/artifacts 2021/03/09 15:16:33 find 1 local objects 2021/03/09 15:16:33 find 1 remote objects 2021/03/09 15:16:33 compare the local...

confirmed: 从github action发布到国内的七牛区,上传失败。海外区可以。另外域名在七牛是需要审核的,不然国内转为loop地址。

hi team, i dont' think this is issue. the is domain define. please consider swan world's define, please talk about more information.

this domain is specified in swan world. don't need cover by mesos settings.

@sjby365 加了支持marathon UI的需求 #950

对于port的管理,这块,mesos增加了一个network port isolator来管理,很快就会有release,后面就可以知道主机上哪些host port不能使用。

推荐使用第三方工具来部署k8e. 比如sealos,kubekey等来部署支持。