@shicai 你好。我用你提供的deploy改写的train_val进行训练,loss一直是2.5左右,不下降。我改train_val只改了开头的数据层和在结尾加了accuracy和softmaxwithloss,请问还有哪里需要修改?
@shicai I have trained the same data with googleNet and squeezeNet,the result is correct.So I think the data have no problem.After squeezeNet's Convolution,there are a ReLu and a Pooling Layer...
@shicai eh... I just want to test a single image,but the classify.py returns an error value always(for example, I have cat,dog,fish, it's return always is cat,although I input a fish...
It's work!thank you.爱你么么哒
@liuyiyiyiyi 训练的时候用了scale,测试的时候也必须用。你也可以训练的时候不用scale。
> > 我的样本是从10个字符里截取3到10个字符生成图片,训练没问题 > > 请问,训练图片尺寸是否要保持32x280 不需要
@hello2sys 不需要。比如训练集全是数字,能有什么语义信息?