@Hsury 可以加上投稿功能吗?
@ekasetiawans At the beginning, I thought the same as you, so I went to check the source code, but didn't find any need for Activity. i have no idea, so...
@ekasetiawans yes ,i have runed the example which you write. and ervery thing run fine.
@ekasetiawans I've solved the problem, and sure enough it was a problem with a 3rd party plugin that used the static keyword when declaring the MethodChannel in android java code....
@kotoSky 我自己重写了百度地图的flutter插件,可以和flutter_background_service一起用,而且在项目中用起来了
@kotoSky 厉害
@kotoSky ios没有安卓那套机制,后台运行如果app被划掉,就没法后台运行了。(好比使用网易云音乐听歌,如果网易云后台划掉就不能听)所以我只做了安卓部分,另外我觉得百度的定位其实要比高德的好,而且我的那个高德定位插件很久没有更新了。
@xiaochonzi 如果你想在ios也是用百度地图也简单。找到百度自己写的flutter插件,找到ios部分代码拿过来改一下就行。
@kotoSky 厉害,可以试试开源一下,我的毕竟是半成品,如果你安卓和ios都搞好了,可以服务更多人