little boss of programer

Results 6 issues of little boss of programer

how can I get the recall and precision? anybody knows? thx a lot!

I am trying to compile minst_tf for arm32 device, and the Makefile is: ARMNN_LIB = ${HOME}/armnn-devenv/armnn/build ARMNN_INC = ${HOME}/armnn-devenv/armnn/include all: mnist_tf mnist_tf: mnist_tf.cpp mnist_loader.hpp g++ -O3 -m32 -std=c++14 -I$(ARMNN_INC) mnist_tf.cpp...

参考博主这篇文章 的步骤,但没有成功生成 kafka mq 消息

### Summary: old scheduled job setting by app.conf.beat_schedule in the can not auto delete. * Celery Version: 4.4.7 * Celery-Beat Version: 1.6.0(django-celery-beat) ### Exact steps to reproduce the issue:...

add python requirements file for installing the pip packages

```python def utf8lize(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: to_utf8(v) for k, v in obj.items()} if isinstance(obj, list): return [to_utf8(x) for x in ob] if instance(obj, str): return obj.encode('utf-8') return obj...