Xianrui Luo
Xianrui Luo
刚开始用的时候一切正常,从刚才某一刻开始,多选之后的所有操作,点击都没有反应 扩展版本 (extension version):1.4.7 浏览器版本 (browser version):chrome 操作系统 (operating system):windows 问题描述 (problem description):刚开始用的时候一切正常,从刚才某一刻开始,多选之后的所有操作,点击都没有反应 实际行为 (actual behavior): 期望行为 (expected behavior): 重现步骤 (reproduce step):
Hi, I have a small question about the Table2 in your paper, where you only tested x6 and x8 as out-of-distribution settings. I wonder if any scale larger than x8...
Hi, thank you for your code and dataset. I wonder how you collect the corresponding telephotos for wide photos? Did you manually zoom in or you have other techniques? If...
Hi, when I set gradient_accumulation_steps to be a value >1, the error happens in training > Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tensors...
Hi, for the synthetic defocus blur dataset, I use your pretrained results to calculate PSNR and SSIM. But my results are way lower than the results in the paper. Do...
Hi, in the paper the high res PixelQueryNet only queries the hole pixel, but in the code, the function "_get_coords" get all the coordinates of the image. I wonder where...
Hi, I wonder how can we get "human_bbox.json" as the one used in image_dataset.py > if self.bbox_crop: human_bbox_json_path = video_dir / "human_bbox.json" with open(human_bbox_json_path) as bbox_fp: human_bboxes = json.load(bbox_fp) resize_scale...