Wang Xiangsheng

Results 16 comments of Wang Xiangsheng

After `emacs -Q`, I tried two ways: (a) set the language environment to chinese-gbk and then set use-default-font-for-symbols to nil; (b) set use-default-font-for-symbols to nil and then set the language...

Since `’` is a special Chinese punctuation, the right quotation, maybe it is more properly to display it using `Noto Serif CJK TC` for a Chinese locale in my opinion....


> > 在我这里这个问题似乎是由`lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate`引起的,把这个库替换成`lib32-freetype2`后问题就不见了 > > 可以说下具体什么情况,怎么替换的吗 具体原因我也不清楚,manjaro中这个两个库不能共存,直接安装`lib32-freetype2`就会把`lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate`替换掉。

> Thanks for the report! Do you use `DDE`? Did you try uninstalling whatever provides `[email protected]`? No, I don't use it. The only reason that I keep it is because...

After removing the dde, I can log into the plasma normally with `dbus-broker-units`. So the problem may be caused by the existence of dde. I notice another info maybe related...