Shuangbin Xu

Results 67 comments of Shuangbin Xu

I guess you want this. ``` library(ggtree) library(ggtreeExtra) library(ggplot2) set.seed(1024) tree

This feature might need to update the base element, which is different from the element of `phytools`. We will try our best to complete it.

Yes, You can reporduce the figure using [`ggtreeExtra`](

The version of ggstar in README is development. You can update the vesion of [`ggstar`]( from `github`, or you can use `scale_starshape_manual` to set `1~12` values.

I think your ggplot2 version is the development version (installed from github.). please refer to the same [issue]( You can use `install.package('ggplot2')` to install the released version (ggplot2

Now, the gradient highlight only can work on the Linux Platform. Or using `svg` on Windows. You can refer to the [answer](

I think you can use `ggtreeExtra` to plot it. The input is from the #367 ``` tr % tidyr::pivot_longer(cols=!id, names_to='type', values_to='number') -> dat dat tree

I have implemented the primary feature ``` > library(MicrobiotaProcess) Attaching package: ‘MicrobiotaProcess’ The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’: filter > library(ggtree) ggtree v3.3.0.901 For help: If you use...


Which version of `ggtree` are you using? The aesthetic mapping of `geom_hilight` is supported by ggtree >= 2.4.0 The following is the development version (github). ``` > packageVersion("ggtree") [1] ‘3.3.1’...