Xiangnan Dang

Results 9 comments of Xiangnan Dang

I run into the same issue as @hugo-pa and @schloerke originally elaborated, trying to switch from a working website with runtime:shiny to runtime:shiny_prerendered. Has there been update to resolve this...

Hi, this package and thread is new to me, but after some trial and error I sort of succeeded in my application: I largely followed @andrewsali instructions, which worked mostly...

Hi @daattali , thanks for your comment. I did a one-off trouble-shoot around the existing code, and provided the necessary modifications to make it successfully run in my only application....

I just checked, there's no merge conflict between rmarkdown and master branches, do you want me to create a pull request, or it's easier for you to do it. I...

thanks, that makes sense. I'll go through and clean up at a slight later time.

Dan, does it work if you play with zoom in/out from your browser

Hi @DanielPascoe , first you need to have "devtools" package to install this specific branch, try: ``` devtools::install_github("xiangnandang/esquisse", ref = "re-layout") ``` I'm glad you find this interesting, and be...

@DanielPascoe , my initial thought is that you need to update your local shinyWidgets package, by simply running ``` install.packages("shinyWidgets") ``` Please let me know if it fixes.

@vincentvanhees , forgive my lack of understanding of some aspect in the current implementation, specifically around when a clipping happened for a portion of the data, what type of warning/messaging...