Leaflet.MapCenterCoord copied to clipboard
A Leaflet control to display the coordinates of the map center, especially useful on mobile/touch devices
Hi, thank you for making this plugin available. I created a button to turn it on and off. When turning it off, not all event listeners were turned off. I...
Hi all :) I noticed that the demo has some problems in HTTPs: https://xguaita.github.io/Leaflet.MapCenterCoord/ Are you aware of that? Thank you so much :)
I've noticed that coords change while zooming. Note I'm using options that should ensure no such changes... ``` doubleClickZoom: 'center', scrollWheelZoom: 'center', touchZoom: 'center', ``` To reproduce, simply note the...
See example here: https://gist.github.com/tstibbs/c07574f89c0e47b9b3d2ec7df8c7e0c9#file-leafletscreenposition-html If you have both markers and cross hairs, the markers appear on top of the cross hairs. If you happened to have a cluster of markers...
Hi, the package is not available on npm registry. Is this possible? I am able to assist with this (or even publish it when sharing the proper rights to do...
There's an issue when using **DM or DMS formated coordinates** when being exactly at the edge of a degree (with DM format) or at the edge of a minute (with...
1. Go to http://xguaita.github.io/Leaflet.MapCenterCoord/ 2. Click and drag on one of the maps. Notice that the crosshairs icon stays relatively stable. 3. Click and drag very quickly and release the...