Leaflet.MapCenterCoord icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Leaflet.MapCenterCoord copied to clipboard

A Leaflet control to display the coordinates of the map center, especially useful on mobile/touch devices


A Leaflet control to display the coordinates of the map center, especially useful on touch/mobile devices.

The initial idea was based on the plugin Leaflet.MousePosition.


Leaflet v7.x
Tested ok on Leaflet 1.0 beta2

Some tested platforms

Android 4.4.2: Google Chrome 47 and stock browser
iOS 9.2: Safari

Desktops: Windows 7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Google Chrome 47, Firefox 43, Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, 11 and Edge 25



Sources in /examples folder


  • Download latest release

    • Source code in /src folder
    • Minified versions in /dist
  • Include js and css files located in the /dist folder (production) or /src (development)

  • If you want to change the code and build minified versions:
    First, install node.js on your system. Then run npm install to build the minified js and css into /dist


Add the following line to your map initialization:


You can also pass a configuration.

Configuration options

The MapCenterCoord control inherits options from Leaflet Controls.

Option Type Default Description
position String 'bottomleft' The standard Leaflet.Control position parameter
icon Boolean true Shows crosshair icon on map center
onMove Boolean false Update the coordinates of the map center while dragging
template String '{y} | {x}' Display template
latlngFormat String 'DD' Show lat/lng coordinates in 3 possible formats:
Decimal degrees 'DD' (DDD.DDDDD°)
Degrees and decimal minutes 'DM' (DDD° MM.MMM')
Degrees, minutes and seconds 'DMS' (DDD° MM' SS.S")
latlngDesignators Boolean false Show N-S and E-W
projected Boolean false Show projected coordinates
formatProjected String '#.##0,0' Number format mask for projected coordinates.
JavaScript Number Formatter project: sample/help page
latLngFormatter Function undefined Function that takes the lattitude and longitude as arguments and returns a single formatted string, e.g.
function (lat, lng) {
return lat + " north and " + lng + " west";


This software is released under the MIT license.