I'll leave this here for now, feel free to delete this post. -- [download 100% complete] -- verifying file... file='/home/hnlfu4/.hunter/_Base/Download/OGDF/snapshot-2015-12-04/fb9b5d9/snapshot-2015-12-04.tar.gz' -- SHA1 hash of /home/hnlfu4/.hunter/_Base/Download/OGDF/snapshot-2015-12-04/fb9b5d9/snapshot-2015-12-04.tar.gz does not match expected value...
-- Using src='https://github.com/wisk/ogdf/archive/snapshot-2015-12-04.tar.gz'
Using src='https://github.com/wisk/ogdf/archive/snapshot-2015-12-04.tar.gz' Why? Perhaps indeed your build system is a bit wacky. And it also doesn't feel secure at all, who can control all these sources you put there. How...