Yes! :) Your observation is valid, their is some duplicated code within the _AInlet_ and the _BaseInlet_. **BUT** I would like to remove the AInlet implementation is somewhat ugly regarding...
What do you think about this approach!? Maybe it's to complicated - over engineered - ?
Ok, I will take care on that...
Thanks for the comment, I see the problem with WaitForFixedUpdate() - you're absolute right about that I will change that accordingly. The difference between FixedUpdate and Update is important for...
Nice question... 😅 Actually, I never thought to this point since I assume that the applications using LSL are not that kind of dynamic but ok let's see how this...
To answer this question: > I am creating a prefab that inherits InletFloatSamples. All instances will use StreamType='Control' by default, but it should be possible to override this in the...
Sorry for the late response, for this problem: > For example, I can never get out of the while ((lastTimeStamp = inlet.pull_sample(sample, 0.0f)) != 0) loop because I'm Processing the...
Just a suggestion, we could put this discussion to the VREF repository. because, all you requirements you described are mainly target by this project, however, nothing is really finished. Or...
Thx, go for it. :)
Big thx, @Argzero ! Unfortunately I'm not able to maintain the project more regularly. Are you interested in becoming a maintainer of the project?