Results 63 comments of xfangfang

### 我也放一下我的批量上传代码吧 全部上传结束后会返回图片链接列表 ```python let uplist = [] for (let index in { const path =[index]['imagePath']; let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { qiniuUploader.upload(path, (res) => {...

Works fine for me after upgrade to ios16. Maybe you can check FAQ in wiki: > If you are using an iOS device, please make sure that the app's...

@TChandler7 Is there any update?

Thank you very much for this project. Seems some exception check should be added to _login_step2, otherwise users must modify the source code to see the URL mentioned above. if...

@matryer I can use xbax. After download it, I drag it to the application folder. When first time I run it, shows that because of untrusted developers I can't open,...

try got the same error ``` (jupyter369) xfangfangs-MBP:plugins fang$ pwd /Users/fang/Library/Application Support/xbar/plugins ``` ``` (jupyter369) xfangfangs-MBP:plugins fang$ ls -lah total 96 drwxr-xr-x 8 fang staff 256B 4 6 19:00...

@matryer ``` (jupyter369) xfangfangs-MBP:~ fang$ open -jg 'xbar://' LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -600 for the URL xbar:// (jupyter369) xfangfangs-MBP:~ fang$ open -jg 'xbar://' LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -600 for the...

@matryer I found an interesting thing. If I close the software first, and then `open -jg 'xbar://'`, there will be no error. However, the Xbar icon will only flash in...

@Etheryte It doesn't work for me. On my MacBook(MacOS 10.15.7), running `xattr -l ...` output is empty, and running `open -jg ...` will still report an error. What's interesting is...

I have used this in Linux. > More precisely, Argos is a GNOME Shell extension that turns executables' standard output into panel dropdown menus. It is inspired by, and fully...