out of curiosity, how is scrolling in a box implemented? I guess CSR cannot be used because scrolling would take effect outside of the rectangle. Have box contents to be...
using Gtk win = GtkWindow("My First Gtk.jl Program", 400, 200) win.window_position[Int] = Gtk.GtkWindowPosition.CENTER showall(win) window at top-left
I'm trying this simple example: Server: app = require('express.io')() app.http().io() app.io.on('connection', function(socket){ console.log('connection') }) app.listen(50000) Client: var io = require('socket.io-client').connect('http://localhost:50000') io.on('connect', function (sock) { console.log("socket connected") }) Neither 'connection' nor...
program: require 'gtk3' require 'pi_piper' win = Gtk::Window.new win.window_position = :center win.border_width = 5 win.signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } pin = PiPiper::Pin.new(pin: 24, direction: :out) win.show_all Gtk.main aborts with: /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/pi_piper-2.0.0/lib/pi_piper/platform.rb:11: [BUG]...
I'd like to use it without recurring to polling