I am trying to use jest-cucumber with allure2, but steps are not generated, for example, so I've tried to use a reporter like this: ``` var CucumberJSAllureFormatter = require("allure-cucumberjs").CucumberJSAllureFormatter; var...
I've tried to use push history and Redirect but the effect is always the same, location is changed on browser, but expected Component is not rendered (render method of previous...
Hi. From my tests I want to change return_value and side_effect of some methods, but some others I don't want to, so the real method is called. I've tried override...
Anyone has configured the cartridge for SSL? I get an error that I cannot bind to port 443, Permission denied. Thanks!
Using async retry function some errors are wrapped incorrectly. The error thrown is a string with [object Object], so we're losing original error. This happens for example with some APIs...
Hi. I've seen this library and I think is very interesting. I want to use it with EOD historical data provider, but I've not seen how we can create a...
We need to trace each test suite cycle execution with the test environment (development, qa, ...) and the release of the product. Currently, if I am not wrong, you can...
Hi. The chart is shown correctly at the start, but the datafeed is requested continuously for all past ticks (never ends). I've activated the debug to see what happens but...