Dmitriy Derepko

Results 153 issues of Dmitriy Derepko

| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ✔️/❌ | New feature? | ✔️/❌ | Breaks BC? | ✔️/❌ | Fixed issues | comma-separated list of...

We need kind of swagger ui, but for console commands. Scenario: - Select a command - Type arguments - Click to run

| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ✔️/❌ | New feature? | ✔️/❌ | Breaks BC? | ✔️/❌ | Fixed issues | comma-separated list of...

See ( The stream doesn't read as enough as requested bytes. Should be fixed with intermediate buffer inside the stream.

See ( Event stream doesn't respect any OS signal, it just takes its time to wait (sleep) and them exits.

### I have an idea! **Problem:** `\Cycle\Database\ColumnInterface` doesn't have something like `getComment()` method. Also no one Driver directory contains `comment` keyword :) So the idea is to have a `getComment()`...


### I have an idea! It would be nice to have a file reference in the following error: `Cycle\Database\Exception\StatementException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [14] unable to open database file in {project}/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/SQLite/SQLiteDriver.php:39` Or if...


There is not way to pass configuration into `AssetBundle` class to a contructor, only to public properties. I'd like to have a method that accepts an object of `AssetBundle` and...