Dmitriy Derepko

Results 153 issues of Dmitriy Derepko

Added rector/rector to CI and composer.json. Mass creation refers to

We have introduced that helps with a loop of regexps. There are some places to apply `CombinedRegexp`: - -

status:under discussion

What's the purpose to support `null` value in [startsWith](

status:ready for adoption

Added composer-require-checker according to

Added rector/rector to CI and composer.json. Mass creation refers to

| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Is bugfix? | ❌ | New feature? | ✔️ | Breaks BC? | ❌

What's the point to create an object every method calls? Let's take a look at the `Route` class: The coolest thing is you can use auto-complete feature to call any...

status:under discussion

I want to write an application that will live under some path, e.g. `/blog` So I have two ways to write my urls: 1. Each route should contain `/blog` 2....

Due to `\Yiisoft\Router\CurrentRoute` doesn't have any restrictions it may be created with `$container->get()`, but it has whole empty state: It's unexpected and cause lots of `if`'s over it. Isn't it...

status:under discussion

Added composer-require-checker according to