David Pennington

Results 68 issues of David Pennington

It looks like there is [no option for returning HTML/templates](https://github.com/mustafaakin/gongular/blob/master/context.go#L94). Can we add a check for this? ``` type IndexHandler struct{} func (m *IndexHandler) Handle(c *gongular.Context) (err error) { var...

For some of my http.Handlers I would like to have validation (or other errors) sent back inside a `html/template` (instead of simply output as JSON). The Context struct is passed...

It looks like the library implementation for querying records is public - but [saving is private](https://github.com/owlwalks/rind/blob/master/dns.go#L179). How can I start the server with some seed records without using a separate...

zone file

The `uint` can handle values past 4 billion so that means this system can handle graphs with up to `4294967295` nodes in them. Currently, a graph with only 1,000,000 nodes...

Android provides `android.hardware.Camera.Parameters` as a way to see what additional options are available for setting manual exposure for the camera (I'm not sure what the [iOS version is](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/)). I would...


Reading a 2-channel, signed 16bit PCM stream doesn't work (common) because the bytes are [converted to int32 instead of int16](https://github.com/cryptix/wav/blob/master/reader.go#L258) n = int32(s[0]) + int32(s[1])

I believe the two strings "CA" and "ABC" technically only require two changes under Damerau-Levenshtein distance: Transposition + Insertion. CA -> AC -> ABC This library returns "3" as the...

Loading the entire JSON object into memory isn't a good idea. Instead, I would use the file handle to search each line for the records needed. Each line in the...

I would rather the database implementation didn't leak out into my domain or service layer. I currently have to check for [sql.ErrNoRows when .Scan()ing a single record](https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql?utm_source=gopls#Row.Scan) and would rather...


### What do you want to change? Structs generated by sqlc which contain null fields use the [sql.Null* types](https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#NullString). However, it would be nice if there was an option to...
