David Pennington

Results 68 issues of David Pennington

I was reading [A modern Javascript Router](http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/A-modern-JavaScript-router-in-100-lines-history-api-pushState-hash-url) and I noticed that he got around all the browser inconsistencies with a single `setInterval()` to check if the URL had changed. I...

Instead of using the default resolver to lookup the MX record. I recommend using a custom resolver with a context timeout to prevent long-lived connections. https://github.com/badoux/checkmail/blob/master/checkmail.go#L49 ``` const timeout =...

I don't see any included models or tagged text corpuses with this library. I [found a note](https://github.com/chewxy/lingo/blob/master/treebank/treebank.go#L106) to use [English Web Treebank](https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2012T13)(?) ([free version](https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_English-EWT)), but I'm wondering what assets I...

Do I need to use a mutex in my application code or is there some way to get atomic inserts with goleveldb? ``` func incr(db *leveldb.DB, key []byte) (id int64,...

The SOAP client has a placeholder for the [soap:headers fields](https://github.com/hooklift/gowsdl/blob/master/soap/soap.go#L361), but the .call() function never makes the values of the [respEnveolope available for reading](https://github.com/hooklift/gowsdl/blob/master/soap/soap.go#L376). Can we provide some way to...

Getting tailwind setup and working on codesandbox.io is a challenge. There are a number of approaches for setting up tailwind with codesandbox (macro? babel? PostCSS? CDN? autoprefixer? parcel?) so having...

Right now Chidley merges all the child elements / attributes of each tag into a struct of the same name. Is there a way to tell it to keep separate...

I see options for both [16384 and 65536](https://github.com/axiomhq/hyperloglog/blob/a4c4c47bc57fa695d962fbd4abdb04d9cc62513a/hyperloglog.go#L36-L45) registers. How much memory does each instance actually use? The read-me says each register 4-bits, what about the sketch structure overhead?

help wanted

The [Index File Format](https://github.com/alexandria-org/alexandria/blob/main/documentation/index_file_format.md) and [Search Result Ranking](https://github.com/alexandria-org/alexandria/blob/main/documentation/search_result_ranking.md) is not defined very clearly. Could these two critical documents be added to? For example, the domain IDF-TF score calculation is shown,...


Currently Body/Form/Query fields must be capital to be public struct members. > "reflect: reflect.Value.SetString using value obtained using unexported field" - gongular/parser.go:142 ``` type InputHandler struct { Param struct {...