David Pennington

Results 73 comments of David Pennington

This looks pretty good, @kyleconroy have you looked at this by chance?

@machinae wouldn't this set the contents of the first `noscript` as the text of all noscript tags combined? I would think getting the instance of the tag would be safer?...

Stuff like this is a good start: > When using Cassandra as storage Stream Framework will denormalize activities; there is not an activity storage but instead every user feed will...

> It'd be helpful to find some good examples of how to approach this in general It has occurred to me that many projects have trouble with preparing technical design...

If this helps at all, I'm having the same problem with prettier-eslint finding the file in the project path (one level higher than the package.json). Everything was has been working...

Someone referenced the https://github.com/golang/image/tree/master/font/sfnt package (https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt) as a possible solution, though I'm not sure how as it only looks like it handles encoding and decoding of the font formats. Maybe...

https://github.com/flashmob/go-guerrilla/tree/master/backends implemented multiple backends using a Backend interface just as you did with your https://github.com/emersion/go-smtp#server

How much are you comfortable changing? If I fork the project and move from glide to go modules (1.10+), remove webpack for parcel, replace echo with gin (or raw httprouter),...

@talentlessguy I don't think [I ever started](https://github.com/olebedev/go-starter-kit/network/members) actually. An alternative to is simply using chromedp to pre-render the react app: https://gist.github.com/Xeoncross/61e177b207875952288bfe37912a0d51

You might also want to look at [caching DNS queries](https://github.com/benburkert/dns/blob/master/init/init.go).