David Pennington

Results 73 comments of David Pennington

Already done: https://github.com/Xeoncross/forumfive/blob/master/index.php#L13 It's worth pointing out that the demo is running v1 of the system. The master branch is on v2.

The only other feature I see is "subpages". Could you please explain what you mean since the system has no "pages"?

An SEO friendly URL path is an idea I would love to do, but it will require making the system larger and an Apache/Nginx rewrite setup. I still want to...

Oh, you mean "pagination". Yes, pagination is something important not only for SEO but also server load. That is on my todo list once I figure out a lightweight way...

The only reason they would display in search results is because more people linked to the subpage (apparently it was better content) or the subpage is the only page that...

So, there is a difference between blog post comments and forum pagination. Blog post comments almost always include the complete blog post (causing duplicate content) while forum pagination does not.

I don't think you understand how search engine placement works. Page meta tags like title, keywords, and description plan no role in search result placement. They are simply for the...

I was thinking about implementing that. If more people want this then I'll expand the code with email support. I just so happen to hold the record with the [smallest...

Way beyond that actually, I would build just do the whole SMTP client in PHP (like above). Mailer classes are great when you are on shared hosting where they will...

@89z it depends on your queries. Every database is '100 times slower' for certain workloads. They aren't all designed for the same query paths. Dynamo vs MySQL vs Mongo vs...