
Results 23 comments of xdmx

@ankane any thoughts on this? Is it anything you'd like to add/fix in Ahoy?

:+1: this would be really useful!

Hi chris, yes, i reloaded the objects after the deletes. For example before the script, i had a structure like this: ``` root a a1 a11 a12 a2 a3 b...

Any update on this? I'd love to start having hashed values in the db, instead of the real ones. @timwis were you able to see @mikker's feedback?

Thank you Mikkel for your continuous work on this gem, it's one of my favorite. I love and really look forward having tokens hashed I've always felt weird that the...

@mikker what is missing to bring this to the finish line and release a v1 with these changes? Would you consider releasing a v0.11 with these changes and then separately...

If the key/cursor is a number and when/if rails/rails#17914 will be fixed, it may be possible to do something like: `User.where(id: 10..Float::INFINITY).unscope(where: :id)` to use to calculate the `total_count`

I've just tried with rails 4.2.0 rc1 and it's fixed, it could be a solution to use with `total_count` in order to support cursor based pagination (having as requirement activerecord...

To find records before the cursor it could be `limit(default_per_page).where(cursor_column => -Float::INFINITY..val)` and after the cursor `limit(default_per_page).where(cursor_column => val..Float::INFINITY)` I've just tried with a string range and it actually works:...

I've tried with an uuid column (under postgres): ``` ruby irb(main):001:0> User.where(cursor_column => '00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000000'..'4adca7ce-abf8-4803-b874-c00e1707afcb').count (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."test" BETWEEN '00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000000' AND '4adca7ce-abf8-4803-b874-c00e1707afcb') => 9 irb(main):002:0> User.where(cursor_column =>...