
Results 4 issues of xdkhan

I search it,bug version just 0.01. $ pod search RRFPSBar -> RRFPSBar (0.0.1) Shows a framerate graph in place of the status bar on iOS. pod 'RRFPSBar', '~> 0.0.1' -...

I want to set gray background. but CHTCollectionReusableView is white background, what can i do?

如果换成加载webview,会造成很大的内存占用。 我一开始是类似这样,不过只维护两个downview,通过一个downview上下滑动手势,判断另一个downview出现在上面还是下面。但是这样逻辑很复杂。 现在用collectionview做(也可以用uitableview),由系统处理重用,每个cell'相当于一个downview,通过代理方法,让collectionview滚动。但是这样还是有显示的bug。

if podfile like this, xcode build error ```ruby source 'xxx' install! 'cocoapods', :generate_multiple_pod_projects => true, :incremental_installation => true, :disable_input_output_paths => true use_frameworks! :linkage => :static ``` ![截屏2024-07-17 13 48 22](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/fa476fdd-88f5-4bab-9232-feaffdbf0d53)...