Pierre Dahmani
Pierre Dahmani
Ahhh, I did not mean the execution of the query operation "IntrospectionQuery". When the operation is "test" and the query contains "IntrospectionQuery" the result of the operation "test" won't be...
Yeah, thats just what happens in GraphiQL. I currently won't have much free time and therefore won't be able to fix the issue in the next weeks. I will write...
Hey @yaacovCR , thanks for the fast response. I did add query logging and the logging results into [reproduction repo](https://github.com/xddq/stitch-alias-null) The copy pasted QueryLog.md file: # When querying the schema...
Mhhh, that's strange. I mean you did use subschemas as well [here](https://github.com/ardatan/graphql-tools/pull/4396/files#diff-553acfa814eafd6f94cc35e492d698983435d71208356730e697fb160b1c7951R78) I am currently trying to figure out how to log the response from the remote-1 server. Will post...
Log for the request-response cycle. Starting from stitched and starting from non-stitched. - request: ``` query { articles { title { ... on TitleOne { text } ... on TitleTwo...
Okay so actually all that was needed was to add an executor to the subschema config. I am not yet sure how the executor works and why it is needed...
@Urigo We have a reproduction repo, yes. But I am not sure whether this is worth to get into since I did NOT specify an exectuor for my stitched schema...
@kennymalac and all others with this problem. Can confirm this issue. With `"@nuxtjs/auth-next": "5.0.0-1618898588.9655d0e",` and `"vue-property-decorator": "^9.1.2"` and `"nuxt-property-decorator": "^2.9.1"` you can go to your nuxt.config.js file and auth: {...
clsoing to reduce number of open PRs. will wait for https://github.com/puremourning/vimspector/pull/817 to be merged
@puremourning Any updates on this? I went through your suggestions and made the changes accordingly