D.D Xie

Results 5 comments of D.D Xie

谢谢,已经解决! 如果您闲着无聊,可以看看我本来想用以向您反馈不能使用歌单的视频... https://www.notion.so/For-Watch-349875142c4a431f87414e5ad0080565


@sanguinariojoe Hi, I want to call the Moordyn program on windows using matlab. I was following this tutorial[1], and there was a problem compiling the MoorDyn input `mingw32-make` in cmd...

**Thank you for your help**. I have successfully compiled many `*.mexw64` files, and copied these `*.mexw64` files and `libmoordyn.dll` file to the project path. The demo can run smoothly now....