
Results 8 comments of xdbobname

> Please add a test case in zrender. Sorry for MIA, I have added one.


i try to resolve it with a zrender commit above

> Documentation for [symbolKeepAspect](https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#series-line.symbolKeepAspect) says _"keep aspect for symbols in the form of path://"_ , but you are using **_image:_**, not _path:_ I do not see distortion with `symbol: 'path://M15.422,18.129l-5.264-2.768l-5.265,2.768l1.006-5.863L1.64,8.114l5.887-0.855...

> So great. I need this feature. There has a line chart on the top of page, and a bar chart on the bottom of page. Although their xAxis is...

> This seems to be more like some kind of `margin/padding` than `boundaryGap` to me, since its value is in pixels rather than the unit of the axis. > >...

> #19228 provides the ability to align the first/last label. From there, we could adjust category axis label with `alignMinLabel/alignMaxLabel` to change accordingly. the 1st or last label align-self independent...