Matthew Doty
Matthew Doty
Thank you @kolloch for making this tool! Here is my two cents. Nix could be used for configuration rather than a `crate2nix.toml` file. This is what [`callCabal2nixWithOptions`]( does. Here is...
It's _nice to have_, but not critical... in SASS since they aren't embedded in a real programming language they can't just quick things like: `(-> {:size "12pt"} (into (for [p...
I'd use the feature I suppose, to be honest it's not a big deal. I would point out you can't do such things when you are in a `{:style {...}}`...
Dear Dragan, I want fluokitten for clojurescript too, so maybe when I find the time I'll look into porting it. Thanks for your effort! Fluokitten is really nice. ~Matt
Things that have helped me: - the [`with-redefs`]( macro for monkey-patching - [`lein midje :autotest`]( - [`clj-factory`]( for generating test data - [`io.aviso.exception`]( for saner exception reporting - [`timber`]('s `spy`...
Good call, I'll go make a second build
Okay, I've added a second build. To clarify, the second "standalone" build creates a UMD that can be required with systems that already have a `require` module system like phantomjs...
@braydonf Hey, it's been a long time and I completely forgot about this. I originally included the `bitauth.js` file because [CLJSJS]( are leery of building artifacts they package. Are you...
Okay, I got rid of `bitauth.js`. I tried to revise my google extern file for this but for whatever reason I cannot get the closure compiler to work with your...
A plausible way to achieve this would be to use AES and [ECDH]( for shared secrets. This approach has a nice feature, thanks to the mathematics of Public-Private key crypto:...