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Constraint Solver ACE

ACE is an open-source constraint solver developed by Christophe Lecoutre (CRIL, Univ. Artois) in Java. ACE is embedded in the Python modeling library PyCSP3, and is a competitive solver as shown by the results obtained at both the 2022 XCSP3 competition and the 2023 XCSP3 competition.
The current stable version of ACE is 2.3 (March 27, 2024).
ACE focuses on:
- integer variables, including 0/1 (Boolean) variables,
- state-of-the-art table constraints, including ordinary, starred, and hybrid table constraints,
- popular global constraints (AllDifferent, BinPacking, Cardinality, Count, Cumulative, Element, Lex, MDD, Minimum, NoOverlap, NValues, Regular, Sum, Table, etc.),
- search heuristics (wdeg/dom, pick/dom, frba/dom, last-conflict, BIVS, solution-saving, ...),
- mono-criterion optimization
ACE is distributed under License MIT
Quick Description
For some general information about the structure of the code of the solver ACE, see this paper.
Building a JAR
- clone the repository:
git clone --depth 1
- change directory:
cd ACE
- run Gradle (of course, you need Gradle to be installed; version > v7.0):
gradle build -x test
- test the JAR:
java -jar build/libs/ACE-YY-MM.jar
where you give the right values for YY and MM. If the usage of ACE is displayed, you are fine.
With this JAR, you can run ACE on any XCSP3 instance.
Running Unit Tests
- run Gradle:
gradle test
- see results in: