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原文见:https://www.xcodebuild.com/2020/01/05/yuque/lightproxy/ # LightProxy 全能代理抓包工具 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5436704/71791869-7e805a00-3071-11ea-82ea-3ff89d23946b.png) `LightProxy` 是 `IFE` 团队开发的一款基于 `Electron` 和 `whistle` 的开源桌面代理软件,致力于让前端开发人员能够精确的掌握自己的开发环境,通过 `HTTP` 代理使用规则转发、修改每一个请求和响应的内容。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5436704/71791872-84763b00-3071-11ea-99b3-1ffe8fecbd91.png) ## ## 为什么需要一个代理工具 **因为代理工具能够让你随心所欲的掌控自己当前的开发环境。** **开发环境**是影响研发效能最大的一个因素之一,不可用的环境,无法完成的部署,不稳定的上游环境等等都**让一个非常简单的需求轻松消耗掉数天的时间**。 当开发环境陷入一种不健康的状态时,开发者就更容易破罐子破摔。宁可忍受每改一行代码重新手动 `build` 几分钟再开发也不愿意花时间让 watch 可用,然后发现自己越来越忙乱。 > ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5436704/71791881-8b9d4900-3071-11ea-9721-d1618105725b.png) > >...


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## Why - https intercept on all request cost performance - Some software like iCloud dose not accept a https intercept proxy - User dose not care most of requests...

🙋‍♂️feature request

## 通过 URL schema 的方式添加规则 例如通过 ``` lightproxy://request=add-rule&content=${encodeContent} ``` 请求向 LightProxy 添加一条规则 ## Add rules by URL schema For example by ``` lightproxy://request=add-rule&content=${encodeContent} ``` Request to add a rule to...

🙋‍♂️feature request

**Describe the bug** Drag titlebar not work after scroll down rule content **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Scroll a rule content 2. Drag titlebar **Expected behavior** Window...


Fell free to open issue or comment on this issue to post a feature request for `1.2.0` ## Roadmap See https://github.com/alibaba/lightproxy/projects/5

Web development is much complex nowadays, we develop SPA(single page application), react-native/weex, web page in mobile in-app webview or just a JavaScript script on web page. In normal case we...
