See related issue at https://github.com/joeeames/WebpackFundamentalsCourse/issues/3 But I have solved it with `presets: ['es2015']` and it works fine on my machine. Could you provide more infomation about this? BTW, you can...
You have to install hexo before build.
> changes to a terminal roughly 5 seconds later. This is indeed a lot slower than expected. > The VS Code Menu bar is still there. VS Code Menu bar...
I have no idea for this now, maybe it's related to https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/all/microsofts-windows-defender-detects-trojans-in/d9c1df97-c26a-4b2a-9803-27acebdbc10b.
点右上角的"更多“按钮,你可以选择用哪个 shell 启动。 如果想要改默认 shell 可以参考 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44435697/vscode-change-default-terminal。 Click the ”more" in the upper right corner and you can choose which shell to start with. If you want to change the...
我是 mac 用户,如果找到方案也欢迎分享在这里 🤣
命令启动应该是通过 `ctrl(cmd)+shift+p` ,然后会显示 `setting.json` 的位置,或者在菜单里也能找到设置
Seems it run into a infinite loop with below code: ```js wait: for( app in [ NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace ].runningApplications.copy ) { if( [ app.bundleURL.path isEqualToString: path ] ) { goto...
手机代理(ON LAN)现在处于安全考虑会在一段时间后自动断开,恢复的方式是切一下手机代理页面。 目前最新版的时间应该是 3 个小时:https://github.com/alibaba/lightproxy/blob/master/src/renderer/extensions/whistle/index.tsx#L178 (忽略错误的注释) 如果过于频繁先更新到最新版,由于现在其实已经解决了局域网的安全问题,会在下一个版本关掉这个设定