如果你是在onSuccess里面 code肯定是成功那应该是为0(根据定义的成功的业务码),如果是在onError 你可以在抛出异常的地方构造HttpError 里面的body 绑定成你想要的数据
在ViewModel 里面定义一个public 的 loadingLiveData.,开始和结束发送数据,然后在View层去添加observer
如 LiveData loadingLiveData=new LiveData(); loadingLiveData.setValue(true|false)
BluetoothClientImpl 类里面的代码,比如mCountDownLatch 这个对象 在bindServiceSync 赋值了,没有来得及同步导致notifyBluetoothManagerReady 方法里为null
In `RxPermissions.class` ,the method `requestImplementation(final String... permissions)` has a bug that will always reference Activity instance when activity recreate PublishSubject subject = mRxPermissionsFragment.getSubjectByPermission(permission); // Create a new subject if not...
@epool It is very simple to reproduce this issue! you just start an activity that make request permission at onCreate method then make it change screen orientation ,it will recreate,...
不需要 你如果只用Activity#getResource 只需要重写Activity就可以了