Have you solved it, I am also very distressed and frustrated with the same problem as you and don't know what to do. Please help me, thank you very much.
> Hi, > > When I run the code, such an error occurs, what is the reason? Thanks! Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 201, in gae_for(args) File...
I also encountered the same problem. There is a gap between the experimental results and the original paper when I downloaded the open source code according to the instructions in...
> I read your paper and I'm interested in it. But I have doubts about the detailed implementation process of the algorithm.I run your open source code and find that...
> +1 Did you solve it, I have the same problem. And I emailed the author with no response. I plan to use this as the opening topic of the...
> 我也觉得我还打算用它开题,开题报告都写好了下周就开了但是我实验跑出来有差距,我尝试过调参但是也没效果。我给作者发邮件两个是假的,只有一个账号能发但是一直没收到回复。然后尝试按照代码输入参数,但是当我输入--context=1代码就报错。怎么办要死了。Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 201, in gae_for(args) File "train.py", line 120, in gae_for curr_pair = (int(walk[center_node_pos]), []) NameError: name 'center_node_pos' is not defined File "train.py",...
> 能跑,就是结果不对,想跑的话可以调代码,不要再考虑改进了 李琳 ***@***.*** > […](#) > ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: ***@***.***>; 发送时间: 2022年10月30日(星期天) 下午5:16 收件人: ***@***.***>; 抄送: ***@***.***>; ***@***.***>; 主题: Re: [MysteryVaibhav/RWR-GAE] There is a big difference between the...
李琳学姐您好,冒昧打扰您还请您见谅。因为没有您的邮箱,所以只能以这样的方式来联系您。我想向您请教一个问题,还是关于国外那篇重启随机游走的图自编码器。就是那个论文的模型结构我还是没搞懂,我不知道我的理解对不对所以向您请教,打扰您还请您见谅。问题是这样的原本的图自编码器不是经过两层图卷积得到节点的嵌入表示矩阵Z,而那篇英文是为了改进低嵌入问题利用重启的随机游走得到节点的嵌入表示矩阵Z.那这两个Z是替代关系吗?就是随机游走得到的Z替代了原始模型训练出来的Z,还是说是把这两个Z组合起来?恳请学姐能帮忙解惑一下,我将万分感激,跪谢!因为我的学校比较差是个二本学院,虽然我的老师很好很负责但是这块的学术问题他不懂,图神经网络这个方向目前是我自己在摸索没人指导,所以有些问题不知道找谁帮忙,冒昧打扰学姐您,还请见谅谢谢。 ------------------ 落月成孤倚灬 ***@***.*** ------------------ Original ------------------ From: ***@***.***>; Send time: Sunday, Oct 30, 2022 5:17 PM ***@***.***>; ***@***.***>; ***@***.***>; Subject: Re: [MysteryVaibhav/RWR-GAE] There is a big difference between the experimental data...
> 能跑,就是结果不对,想跑的话可以调代码,不要再考虑改进了 李琳 ***@***.*** > […](#) > ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: ***@***.***>; 发送时间: 2022年10月30日(星期天) 下午5:16 收件人: ***@***.***>; 抄送: ***@***.***>; ***@***.***>; 主题: Re: [MysteryVaibhav/RWR-GAE] There is a big difference between the...