thanks a lot my friend please can you share full code , i try this code but not work with me thanks again
BindhyaKC Thank you very much
insert into class (name, email, admin, class) value ('" . $input['name'] . "', '" . $input['email'] . "', '" . $input['admin'] . "', '" . $input['class'] . "')
$('#usertable').Tabledit({ url: 'accountinfo.php', editButton: true, deleteButton: true, hideIdentifier: true, columns: { identifier: [0, 'id'], editable: [[1, 'name'], [2, 'email'], [3, 'admin', '{"1": "Yes", "0": "No"}'], [4, 'class','{"1": "Art", "2": "Science",...
check jquery.tabledit.js , line 43 ,,, buttons: { edit: { class: 'btn btn-sm btn-default', html: '', action: 'edit' }, you can add or change buttons from here
hello that right if remove Column 3 from array will not be editable , but there are problem if i use PHP , the value of Column 3 not send...