xavier skip
xavier skip
> 大佬好,请问下有使用dnsChallenge.provider=dnspod 的方式来自动生成证书么? > 我使用一直报错: > > ``` > time="2019-11-03T20:18:29Z" level=debug msg="legolog: [WARN] [aaa.xxx.com] acme: error cleaning up: API call failed: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field DomainInfo.info.mine_total...
验证码5010识别成了5o1o,经常把0识别成o。还有有干扰条的情况下把3识别成b。 这样的限制好像需要自己训练一个模型出来。
so what tutorial you use? most tutorial use `conda` to creating Virtual Environment not use `venv`.
do you use the editable DOM? I alse meet it. ``` ``` `$('textinputor').atwho('run')` is ok. but `$('#input').atwo('run')` will raise the error `jquery.atwho.js:713 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'which' of undefined`
you can try add arguments `--H 512 --W 512` , it set output img size, or you can set it less size like `--H 256 --W 256`.
i see you use stable-diffusion-webui, that is a fork of stable-diffusion, it's not origin repo stable-diffusion, you can open this issue for what stable-diffusion-webui repo you used.
期待支持本地PDF划词翻译的功能。另外[沙拉查词](https://github.com/crimx/ext-saladict) 貌似是让本地PDF通过使用扩展打开,然后就可以利用扩展翻译了。
我这里所有的i18n的选项都是失效的。版本 0.1.5 ,chrome 浏览器 110.0.5481.178。
> Came here to contribute the same thing, happy to see someone has it :) I don't think the linking isn actually necessary though; I was able to do this...