Xavier Portilla Edo

Results 7 comments of Xavier Portilla Edo

Hello! we are facing this issue as well! this is the log from a `traffic-agent`: ``` time="2021-09-27 11:24:20.2133" level=trace msg="Logging at this level (LOG_LEVEL=\"trace\")" func=main.makeBaseLogger file="github.com/telepresenceio/telepresence/v2/cmd/traffic/logger.go:39" time="2021-09-27 11:24:20.2135" level=info msg="Traffic...

Hi we are facing the same issue! I just followed this configuration: https://github.com/nephosolutions/terraform-google-datadog-integration/blob/master/main.tf#L17 and using the terraform resource its not working, in fact, when I go to that service account...

we faced the same issue today: We are using AWS Route53 and our External DNS version is 0.12.2 ``` {"level":"error","msg":"InvalidChangeBatch: [Tried to create resource record set [name='cname-runtime-api-dev-amy.development.voiceflow.com.', type='TXT'] but it...

El libro está genial! Tenia una duda a cerca de la tecnolgia que utilizas para escribirlos. Que framework usas para publicar el PDF y la web del libro? esta automatizado?...

Muchas gracias por el tip!! Pensaba que lo tenias automatizado! Mi equipo esta usando este libro como best practices!