I think pgoapi just sets altitude to 8 anyway regardless of what you set it to (see rpc_api.py). That being said it is a bug. They should only do this...
Rectricting egg type to incubator is also completely wrong. Below is how I fixed it for me. I'm ignoring config files because I'm not very familiar yml parsing. My desired...
Try -n camper. I think documentation is wrong. waypoint works just fine. It has a minor bug that got introduced in #254 (it doesn't walk all the way to waypoint).
@ch333 not sure about command line option but if you use config file, waypoints syntax is: "navigator": "waypoint", "navigator_waypoints": [ [lat1,lng1,alt1], [lat2,lng2,alt2], ... [latN,lngN,altN] ] Altitudes are optional - if...
Bot should also drop the ball (would that be hit_pokemon=False?) from time to time to be more human-like. This can be restricted to just dropping red balls.
Guys, just a random thought... Just like we know that only valid spin values are 0.0 and 1.0, what if they have a set of possible valid values for other...