Xana Hopper
Xana Hopper
Having ability to do something doesn't means encourage use that for everthing. if someone use infix function/operator override to writing code like ```scale ape bat cat dog eel fox ```...
Interesting and nice framework! which is what I'm want (but with a little missing) Maybe I can implements some of widgets. The missing I mentioned is that: - Platform shell:...
After some code reading, I found that this project highly depends on `druid` and `piet`. The former is now just focused on desktops, the latter is just an abstract wrapper...
> > You might want to consider adding more layout modes. Two Rust libraries for layout that already exist: > > I will be rewriting the layout/drawing API soon. I'll...
I think we need Discord, many things need to be discussed. - the form how widgets are written - the best way to allocate, own and borrow widgets and their...
#4 has just fired, `Stack` is implemented.
Yes, multiple platform target is one of the goals. But it does not have a high priority. (IMO, I'd like mobile Android and iOS, but it's too early to say...
this feature should not be part of a fundamental library like `jni-rs`. Maybe you can try some JNI-Rust FFI library like Robusta
About `cfg` with number, I think something like [autocfg](https://docs.rs/autocfg/latest/autocfg/) may works? A prefab buildscript (`build.rs`) to provide all config features like `android_16`, `android_17`...