Xana Hopper
Xana Hopper
I try to write a simple demo here. The problem is when ToActivity exit it will have a flash. I tried debug and slow down animation but don't see any...
I have already solved this problem and maybe pack and post it later. The main focus of solution is to write your own `FromRecyclerViewListener` extend from an internal class `FromBaseListener`.
This PR will fix the following issues - [#105229](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/105229) - [#70369](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/70369) - [#88696](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/88696) - [#100745](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/100745) - [#61322](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/61322) But using reconstruct event from Flutter engine may cause PlatformView receive a single-touch...
actually, best way in Android to do yuv2rgb is to using surface as external texture and render it to a normal texture_2d texture. Graphic texture will do that for you...
根据我们的实践,一般推荐将播放器的状态同步给弹幕 Player,即当播放器播放时播放,播放器暂停时暂停。
请参看 SimpleRenderer 的实现,弹幕的渲染由它进行。 你可以在异步请求头像,当新头像就绪之后,使用 updateRender,将当前所有的弹幕的缓存无效化。此时你的 Renderer 会收到新的绘制请求,这个时候头像应当是就绪的。 此外,在绘制图像的时候不要依赖当前 canvas 的大小,它很有可能是当前整个 View 的尺寸,这取决于 draw 的调用是用来绘制 缓存还是直接绘制。 并且额外注意绘制图像本身的尺寸
> @fzyzcjy Btw, fiber can make animations smoother, but if I understand correctly, the smoothness is because that specific animation is driven by css, not js. This is contrary to...
@fzyzcjy Yes, we all farmilar with KeFrame and has already applied some optimize like it. > I guess we can make it more fine-grained and with more improvements since we...
> The API may be as simple as a Widget, say, `HighPrioritySubTree(builder: (context, child) => build_your_subtree_here, child: put_static_child_here)`, just like animation builder widgets. That builder should wrap the CircularProgressIndicator in...