Xana Rahmani
Xana Rahmani
Remove ``` innerPadding ``` in ``` button_view.dart ``` for google and google dark button .
Added a function for call **approve** method in erc20 contracts
### Fix If tab
Running testnet light client with bellow command: ``` lightd --chain-id "Binance-Chain-Ganges" --node tcp://data-seed-pre-0-s1.binance.org:80 ``` Result: ``` I[2021-10-12|21:30:41.024] Connecting to source HTTP client... I[2021-10-12|21:30:41.025] Constructing Verifier... I[2021-10-12|21:30:41.025] lite/proxy/NewVerifier()... module=lite/proxy chainID=Binance-Chain-Ganges rootDir=.binance-lite...